
December 9, 2011 at 12:44 am (Crafting, Storytelling) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

From Wikipedia:

The Persians believed that the baby of a dragon will be the same color as the mother’s eyes.

According to an ancient creation myth, the Vietnamese people are descended from a dragon and a fairy.

They can take on human form and are usually seen as benevolent.

Dragon feathers are the thickest kinds of feathers. They can be made into dusters or quills & when woven together, they can be used as a protective covering.



I would like to know a dragon.

One flew by my window.

For those of you who don’t know, I live in Brooklyn, NY, on th’ 6th floor of a loft building overlooking the Williamsburg Bridge, the East River & the Manhattan Skyline.

I was home alone. I heard a swoosh, the sun was blocked out, darkening the house, & a big gust of wind blew in thru’ the open window. I heard helicopters & sirens. I looked out the window as a jet flew over way lower than the airplanes landing at JFK usually do. A dragon. It landed on the bridge.

It was huge, a wingspan of 50 feet would be my guess. 5 stories wide. I didn’t see it’s full length. It was shades of red & rose & gold & brown, with flecks of white. Sparkling in the sun. Helicopters swooping by it. A dragon. On the bridge.

Instead of scales, it appeared to have feathers. Scale like in shape & some strange amber, red & yellow growths between it’s shoulders & at the nape of it’s neck. They glowed like jewels.

It left as soon as it came, flying north, up the East River. The helicopters followed & the sirens faded.

I googled it. There was nothing to be found. As if it never happened. I suppose it’s in Canada by now.

I went back to the window & looked out. But everything seemed normal again.

Thru’ my open window drifted a single, luminescent feather, & upon it a tiny, golden colored beetle.

It fell slowly past my face & onto the floor, back & forth, looking almost as if it were slowing it’s own fall on purpose. I figured, dragons, faeries, talking spiders, why not a self motivated feather? I think Tom Robbins wrote something like that.

I reached down to pick it up & as I did the golden beetle skittered off into the garden (I have a garden in my house) & disappeared, or hid.

Luckily I had a small brass beetle which looked similar to the one now residing here.

And since I’d been asked to make other things of late, by magickal creatures no less, I decided that perhaps it was implied, in this case, that I should make something special & specific from this experience as well.

& so I give you:


DragonFeathers on Etsy

It was suggested to me, by another faery friend who sometimes seeks Sanctuary here at th’ HoC, that I work in 3 dimensions with my pieces more often. So, per this friend’s intsruction, came this piece.

I leave the description of this piece to your imagination, and the pictures.

A dragon. On the bridge.

I’d like to meet one.


P.S. -It’s feather is inside.


P.S.S. I’ll blog about other things too. Storytelling has many forms. Roll with me.



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