New Breeds of Revolution – Homonovus Allucinari –

August 11, 2012 at 8:15 pm (Storytelling)

From a dear friend.

Check out The Bonobohobo’s Wildland Freakshow. The below is from the “about” section.

More to come, from my not so humble perspective.



An Unclassifiable Creature of the Tranimal Kingdom

This report documents the discovery of populations of humanoid primates thriving in the borderlands, fringes, dreamscapes, and between the veils. Homonovus allucinari or more commonly, bonobohobos are, genetically, the closest extant species to Homo sapiens. Anatomically, they differ little from their human cousins, although bonobohobos are less dimorphic in their secondary sex characteristics than humans. In fact, the bonobohobos display great gynandry (having both masculine and feminine traits) androgyny (sexual ambiguousness) and epicenism (displaying no indicators of gender) in their morphology, presentation, style, and social behavior. Like fungi, their gene pool includes thousands of different sexes.

Polymorphous perversity and pansexual behaviors are the norm amongst the bonobohobos, who are as fond of multiple-partner lifestyles and group eroticism as of pair-bonding. Bonobohobos have sex for pleasure, play, health, entertainment, experimentation, seduction, sensation, intimacy, spiritual transcendence, in exchange for resources, to resolve conflict, reduce stress, loosen inhibitions, express emotion, awaken the senses, to improve morale, to test boundaries, to make the plants grow, to honor their deities, create group solidarity, titillate their peers or disturb human onlookers, to cast spells, or to incite personal and collective revolution.

The bonobohobos lead a largely nomadic lifestyle, at times traveling alone, at others, in loose “slorbits,” or tribal circles that change from season to season and often share members and over-lap one another, strengthening the population as a whole. These slorbits are non-hierarchical and non-bureaucratic; in other words, they are anarchistically organized for the mutual benefit of all members.

While many bonobohobos survive happily in cosmopolitan areas, their natural habitat is wilder-ness and most long to live in the forest indefinitely, traveling to the city only to gather resources and recruit others into their slorbit. Unfortunately many slorbits, seeking strength in numbers, be-come ghettoized in urban areas.

Boldly experimenting with language, color, fashion, sexuality, metaphysical practices and al-tered ecstatic states, bonobohobos are active creators, tranifesting some of the most innovative and forward-thinking cultures in modern history. They are often the unsung progenitors of social, artistic, and cultural trends among Homo sapiens.

The bonobohobos’ love of freedom and creativity makes them virtually unfit for civilized life, particularly for employment. They are very industrious about their self-directed artistic and community projects, but resist work when pressured by authorities. Most spend some part of their lives living among Homo sapiens but fail to assimilate, constantly defying social norms and gendered sexpectations. Eventually they are forcibly or voluntarily exiled from human society.

Homonovus Allucinari in one of their Natural States!


Beyond these observations, it is difficult to generalize about Homonovus allucinari because they are evolving before our very eyes. Taxonomists struggle to classify them because each bonobohobo has a unique morphology and behavioral pattern, and most have mutations giving them psychic, metaphysical, and superhuman abilities. Also, the precise relationship between Homonovus and Homo sapien is questionable, as it has been suggested that the capacity for such abilities exists in humans, but has become atrophied with disuse. Humans may be able to mutate into Homonovus within one lifetime. Because categorization is so challenging, self-identification of bonobohobos is the only reliable way for the species to classify itself.

The sudden (in the long history of evolution) proliferation of these colorful creatures suggests that their origins may be vast and manifold. Researchers have proposed a number of panspermic theories hypothesizing that life forms can survive the harsh conditions of space for millenia until they collide with a hospitable substrate, where they reanimate, initiating the chain reaction called evolution. Interplanetary transfer of material (e.g. Mars or moon rocks) is well-documented. Bacteria have been brought back to life after spending five years on a satellite in space, and 250 million year old fossil-zed microorganisms have also been resurrected. Scientists have found that amino acids will continue to create new life forms even after being subjected to extreme temperatures and impacts. All of this evidence suggests that life on Earth could have been seeded by extraterrestrial organisms.

The intergalactic origins of the bonobohobos seems undeniable, especially given their superhuman abilities. Perhaps each bonobohobo comes from a different planet or heavenly body. Life forms may have traveled ballistically, spallatially, psychically, bacterially, energetically, rhizomally, or mycologically. The mycellial nature of their culture and psychic network (see chart below) suggests that bonobohobos may have originated from mushroom spores ejected into space.

Panspermic theories would also explain most bonobohobos’ experiences of “alienation” in human society, their resistance to domestication, and their great pride in their unique and diverse characteris-tics.

We are all, in fact, made of stardust....


The possibility of extraterrestrial ancestry raises deep existential questions amongst the bonoboho-bos. Why Earth? Why now? Are we merely wayward intergalactic travelers meaninglessly marooned on this planet? Or were we placed here simultaneously and consciously by an intelligent being? Are we meant to band together for some celestially ordained purpose? And what about our relationship to, and participation in a Homo sapien civilization that is destroying natural habitat? Modern bonobobohos are faced with the challenge of discovering their greater cosmic destiny while also protecting healthy wilder-ness here on Earth.

Feel free to point out any grammatical or spelling errors. Do discuss!

xo- Ahnika

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